Second-Hand Bikes - Verfied Used Bikes

Maintenance : wrapping drop handlebars

03-01-23 | Simon

To wrap drop bike handlebars, you will need a few supplies: handlebar tape, a handlebar end plug, and a pair of scissors.

Begin by removing the brake levers and shifters from the handlebars. Next, loosen the handlebar clamp and slide the handlebars out of the stem.

Unwind any existing handlebar tape and discard it.

Starting at the end of the handlebars, begin wrapping the handlebar tape around the handlebars in a spiral pattern.

Make sure to overlap the tape slightly as you go.

When you reach the end of the handlebars, cut the tape and secure it with the handlebar end plug.

Finally, reattach the brake levers and shifters to the handlebars. 


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