Second-Hand Bikes - Verfied Used Bikes

Maintenance : loosen a stuck bike seat

03-01-23 | Simon

If your bike seat is stuck, the first step is to check the seat post and make sure it is properly lubricated. If it is dry, apply a light lubricant such as WD-40 or a bike-specific lubricant to the post. Next, use a wrench to loosen the seat post clamp. If the seat post is stuck, try gently tapping the wrench with a hammer to loosen it. If the seat post is still stuck, try using a penetrating oil such as PB Blaster or Liquid Wrench. Apply the oil to the seat post and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use the wrench to try and loosen the seat post again. If the seat post is still stuck, you may need to use a local bike shop to help.


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