28-04-23 | Simon
After a week of rain, the sun has finally decided to show its face. As a cycling enthusiast, this is music to my ears. The idea of hitting the road on two wheels after a week of confinement is both exhilarating and refreshing. As I dust off my trusty second hand road bike, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement building up inside me. The world outside is still damp from the rain, but the sun's rays are powerful enough to dry up the last drops of water and give the scenery a warm glow.
Cycling after a spell of rain is an entirely different experience. The air is cleaner, and the scents of the outdoors are more vivid. The trees and plants seem to come to life, and their colors become more vibrant. The rain has also washed away the dirt and grime from the road, making it smoother and safer to ride. This is the perfect opportunity to explore new routes and trails, discover hidden paths, and enjoy the beauty of nature.
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