Second-Hand Bikes - Verfied Used Bikes

How have bikes changed over the last decade?

26-07-21 | Simon

As with any technology cycling has seen plenty of advancements in bike design over the years. Compared to bikes of a decade ago modern bikes have seen increases in the number of gears now being used (especially at the rear wheel/cassette) where 8 and 9 speed systems were the norm now we have up to 13 cogs at the rear. Brake technology has also improved drastically which in turn has made bikes safer. It is now commonplace to find disc brakes even on budget level hybrid bikes. Mountain bikes and a lot of road bikes benefit from hydraulic disc brakes (similar to those found on motorbikes and cars) which can be powerful and very reliable. Frames and components have also increased in strength and durability. How can we not mention electric bikes in terms of advancement? They are now so popular that almost every bike brand has electric bikes in its range and sales have been outsripping normal bikes in some areas.

Finally we are seeing far more styles of bike being introduced, with there now being specific designs and parts for all niches from gravel riding to beach racing!


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