Second-Hand Bikes - Verfied Used Bikes

Maintenance : bleed shimano hydraulic brakes

03-01-23 | Simon

To bleed Shimano hydraulic brakes, you will need a Shimano bleed kit, which includes a syringe, a tube, and mineral oil.

Begin by removing the wheel and brake caliper from the bike.

Place the caliper in a vise and secure it.

Attach the tube to the bleed port on the caliper and the syringe to the other end of the tube.

Fill the syringe with mineral oil and insert it into the caliper.

Push the plunger on the syringe to push the air and old fluid out of the caliper.

Once the fluid is clear, close the bleed port and remove the syringe.

Refill the syringe with fresh mineral oil and repeat the process until the fluid is clear


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