This bike is in excellent condition, having only been ridden for less than 30 miles. The battery has been charged twice. I purchased it for £2700 two years ago, but it has mostly been sitting in my garage. I typically use my mountain bike, so this bike needs a new home. It's a shame to let such a great piece of equipment go to waste.
Essentially, this is a new bike for half the price! As you can see from the photos, the little paper QR codes on the wheel spokes and under the pedals are still intact. This is because the bike has never been ridden in the rain or washed. I also bought thicker tires with more tread for better off-road performance, but I never got around to installing them. These tires, which cost almost £100, are included with the bike. The bike also comes with a charger, two keys, and a manual.
Please note that this bike is for collection only near junction 5 of the M40.
velo2velo additional research
The Boardman ADV 8.9e Gravel Electric Bike is a high-performance electric bike that has only been ridden for 30 miles. It features a lightweight aluminum frame and a powerful electric motor, making it perfect for off-road adventures and long-distance rides. The bike also comes equipped with high-quality components, including hydraulic disc brakes and a Shimano Deore 10-speed drivetrain, ensuring a smooth and reliable ride. With its sleek design and advanced technology, the Boardman ADV 8.9e is a top choice for cyclists looking for a versatile and efficient electric bike.
Reviews of the Boardman ADV 8.9e Gravel Electric Bike praise its impressive performance and versatility. Cyclist Magazine describes it as a "fast and fun gravel bike" with a "powerful and smooth" electric motor. BikeRadar also gives it high marks, noting its "excellent handling" and "impressive range" on both road and off-road terrain. Other reviews highlight the bike's comfortable ride and easy-to-use controls. Overall, the Boardman ADV 8.9e Gravel Electric Bike has received positive feedback for its high-quality construction and exceptional performance.
High Wycombe
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