26-07-21 | Simon
Simple answer is the one that fits you! As cycling has become more popular with a lot of new riders on the roads brands have really pushed to make bike ranges more accessible and in most cases this has meant a lot more thought about rider comfort. The easiest way to work out if a bike is aimed at being a ‘comfortable’ road bike is to look at the height of the handlebar and the length of the head tube (the part of the frame the front fork is attached to). Bikes aimed at being comfortable over long distances or long times in the saddle tend to be taller at the front and also not quite as long in the frame or handlebar stem. Look also at how the brand has labelled the model you are looking at. If it’s a second hand bike then the easiest way to work out what type of riding or rider it is aimed at is to do a quick Google search or head to the brand’s website. This should give you all the information you need to help make a decision.
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