This bike is brand new and has been put together by my motorbike enthusiast brother. It has only been ridden for about 3 miles to ensure everything is in good working order. I purchased it for around £1500 two months ago and it is in mint condition with no scratches. I am willing to sell it for £1000, no more and no less. The bike also comes with a large lock and chain, as shown in the pictures. Pick up is welcome and all the necessary tools are included. I will also throw in a brand new, thick lock and key. I am selling because my partner got promoted and we have to move to the city. If there are any issues, I will gladly provide a refund, although I don't anticipate any problems. I hope you enjoy the bike! velo2velo additional research The MG 740 PLUS LANKELESIS 2000 is a high-end bike that is currently being sold for £1500. It is a brand new model that comes fully built and ready to ride. This bike is designed for serious cyclists who are looking for top-of-the-line performance and features. According to reviews, the MG 740 PLUS LANKELESIS 2000 is a top-rated bike that offers exceptional performance and durability. It is praised for its lightweight frame, smooth ride, and advanced components. Many reviewers also note that the bike is well worth the price for its high-quality construction and impressive features. Overall, the MG 740 PLUS LANKELESIS 2000 is a top choice for serious cyclists who want a top-performing bike that can handle any terrain. Reviews: - - -